Private Class Terms & Conditions


Please note, all payments made are non refundable, so please be sure you can attend before purchasing your ticket.

Due to the nature of our business, we can not make exceptions, sorry. In the unfortunate situation, you are unable to attend, you place can be transferred to another at your own doing. This action needs to be recorded with Oh Flora Studio at least 3 weeks prior. Should illness, acts of God (weather, floods, flight cancellations) make it so you are unable to attend sooner then 3 weeks to your workshop date, please be in touch as soon as possible. We will try the best we can to give you another date option should our calendar allow.

In the event government restrictions or unforeseen private matters (illness, death, acts of God etc) prevent Oh Flora Studio from hosting the class/workshop, the class will be postponed to a later date.

In the event we need to cancel entirely, attendees will receive a full refund. Please be aware, by booking, you agree Oh Flora Studio is not responsible for the costs of any travel, accommodation, care hire or other activities booked or paid in the event Oh Flora Studio needs to cancel your class.


In the event current government restrictions prevent us from hosting the class/workshop, the class/workshop will be moved to a later date. If you are unable to attend due to government retreats and border closures, you’ll receive a credit to be used within 18 months of the date you cancel. Please note, government restrictions and border closures affecting your travel to the location are the ONLY reason for a credit to be allocated.


Travel is not included. We always recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance when travelling abroad or locally. It's also important to check if you may need a visa to access Australia or when in transit (stopovers). Attendees will need to organise and financially cover their own travel including, flights, transfer and/or car hire.


Any images photographed by Oh Flora Studio are yours to use as you wish, EXCLUDING on-selling to third parties. Images are to be used for the person or company attending the class/workshop for advertising, marketing, website, social media etc.

If you arrange a third part photographer, please be sure to check your usage rights with their images.